    Your honeymoon gift list
    See below for some of the top features our Honeymoon Gift List
    Complimentary service for all our honeymoon couples
    Guests can leave a personal message
    Hand-picked selection of gift experiences available
    Complimentary gift list cards for wedding invitations
    Add own experiences and/or gifts instead of cash contribution
    Secure online payment system
    Contribute online or by telephone
    Full ATOL protection on payments
    How our gift list works

    At Honeymoon Dreams, we have come up with a great solution to replace the standard wedding gift registry, our Honeymoon Gift List. Instead of receiving household items that you may already have, or a cheque or cash, which people can often find quite impersonal, your guests can make a contribution to your honeymoon as a wedding gift.

    Once you have booked your honeymoon with us you will have the ability to set up your own, personalised online honeymoon gift list where your friends and family can make a contribution as a gift for you and your partner on your wedding.

    The money in your gift list can then be used to pay for your honeymoon along with any activities you might want to experience whilst away and much more. Honeymoon Dreams provides complimentary gift list cards which you can insert in your wedding invitations for your guests.

    Once your honeymoon balance is due, we will use all the money in your gift list to help pay this off and any extra money or payments made after this will be transferred straight back to you.